Soper Photo Gallery

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Soper Family Stories Soper Photo Gallery

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This page was created to reminisce about anything and everything that has gone on in our family, from the good times to the bad (hopefully we'll end up focusing on the good).

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

We use to meet for a family reunion every summer at Draper Park. I'm not quite sure when we stopped doing that. Anyway, there was a great big water fight every year and there was an on going battle between Mary Ellen and Shane. Unfortunately Ellie's own kids (including myself) were on Shane's side. I don't remember any instances in particular, but we got her pretty good just about every year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when we had these reunions at Kerry's house. I remember that he laid down the laws of the pool every year. Peeing is for the toilet, not the pool and so forth. Those were good times.

4:30 PM  

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